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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

, Bakersfield Southwest, 9001 Ashe Rd.

When are answers preserved in the Quiz?

When the Coach Binder Quiz form is entered keep in mind a few things:

1 This is a Google Form.
          You need a gmail address which is first email question on the form.
          You can create a free gmail on Google.
2. Another email besides this google email can be entered in the next email question.
         The first Google email is needed to keep track of answers in your form. 
3. Once you open the form and not clicked Submit: 
You can quit the browser and reopen.
          Using same gmail address for the form then answers of your form are preserved

4. After you submit you will see:

    Click on View Score button:
        Your browser will open a new window or tab and show the results.
= If you click on Edit your response in the other browser window:
        The form will open and you can edit your form and correct the wrong answers.
= If you close the browser or click on Submit another response:
 All answers will reset and you start with a blank form.


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Contact Us

AYSO Region 73

Box 371, 4725 Panama Lane Ste D3
Bakersfield, California 93313

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 661-556-2931
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