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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

, Bakersfield Southwest, 9001 Ashe Rd.


Bakersfield Sports Village Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct (COC) summarizes rules of ethics and decency and compliance to Agreements.
All persons visiting the Bakersfield Sports Village (“BSV”) behave in the acceptable norm and cordiality when using the soccer field facilities. 
This soccer park rents the fields to clubs and soccer groups and expects the return of the fields in the same condition providing some normal wear and tear.  All conversations between persons visiting the Soccer facilities should be in done in a professional and cordial manner. 

The use of alcohol, tobacco products and drugs are strictly forbidden  at these soccer facilities and the immediate vicinity thereof. Read more below under VIOLATIONS OF CODE OF CONDUCT.  

Report irregularities to AYSO Region 73 Regional Commissioner: Julio Velez, (661) 556-2931, [email protected].


  • A valid Agreement when executed in accordance with all terms and conditions will include a request for fields by the Permittee who is permitted to use fields at certain time slots as per AYSO Region 73 approved and accepted schedule (the “Schedule”).
  •  Field markings when required for games on a regular basis will require a weekly fee. 
  •  Covid19 Rules and regulations are part of AYSO Region 73 enforcement to be in compliance with City, County and State regulations and recommendations. 
  • Permittee must control all visitors to their field from arrival to departure.
  • Should assistance be required to enforce the rules the City and/or police of Bakersfield will be called. 
  •  The Permittee will be held responsible for any damage, injury and/or excessive thrashing of the soccer fields facilities.
  • Permittees sharing the soccer fields on same day will receive charges determined by AYSO Region 73 and may vary depending on Permittees’ proofs of exercising due diligence when using the soccer field facilities.
  • The Permittee is responsible for any use of alcohol, tobacco products and drugs on or near its allocated soccer fields.  Packings, bottles, cans, and other containers found on the soccer fields or its vicinity indicating the use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs during the games and or practice will be considered sufficient cause to terminate the Agreement unless the Permittee can remedy the situation immediately to full satisfaction of AYSO Region 73.
  • We suggest taking time story pictures sent within 24 hours to AYSO Region 73.
  •  AYSO Region 73 may at any time have field monitors take pictures randomly for information of field use by anyone.


  • For rest rooms a deposit is required to receive a key. Upon returning the key deposit is returned minus any damages.
  • The Permittee will be responsible for the opening, closing and proper use of the rest rooms.
  •  Any damage or excessive thrashing, defacing of rest rooms is considered shared responsibilities between Permittees with overlapping time slots.
  •  Sent within 24 hours to AYSO Region 73 time story pictures from arrival, during play and upon leaving and closing the rest rooms securely to support your actions of exercising duel diligence and care within your time slot of rental.


  • A list of violations of Code of Conduct and/or Agreement is included but not limited to these:
  • Not acting in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement
  • Using the field outside the Schedule Time Slot start and end times.
  • Being on a field by accident or deliberate.
  •  Taking a field not allocated on the Schedule
  • Placing equipment, chair, umbrellas, ice chests in an unallocated field
  • Abusing AYSO Region 73 or City of Bakersfield representatives
  • Threatening, yelling or using intimidating tactics against any person
  • Using the soccer field facilities with an expired or invalid Agreement
  • Driving irresponsible in the Parking lots
  • Throwing stones, rocks or debris
  • Breaking or damaging goals structures, chains and/or anchors
  • Breaking or damaging sprinklers and irrigation pipes
  • Damaging: trash collectors, boundary cables, boundary posts, lighting posts
  • Damaging and/or defacing: parking bumpers, rest rooms, building walls, traffic signs
  • Damaging: water drinking fountains, light poles,  iconic signs and street signs.
  • Driving with a motor cycle over walk ways and on the grass fields
  • Moving goals from one field to another
  • Use of alcohol products, tobacco products or drugs
  • Violating City ordinances and ignoring NO PARKING signs.
  • Leaving waste on the fields 3 times in one month is a violation of the Agreement and reason for termination.
  • A clean up fee of up to $500 for removing trash may be charged to PERMITTEE using the facilities.

AYSO Region 73 may take one or more of the following actions:

  • Dismiss the teams and all non-members from the soccer fields.
  • Permittee pays additional rental fee and or charges. Rental fees will round up to the nearest whole hour.
  • No refund of security deposit or other deposit or other monies paid
  • Terminate the Agreement immediately.
  • Exclude from future Agreements for the use of the Soccer facilities.
  • Call the Bakersfield police for assistance. 
  • File a report with the City and/or the police of Bakersfield any incidents which may results in fines and prosecution.

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 73

Box 371 4725 Panama Lane, Suite D3
Bakersfield, California 93313

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 661-556-2931
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